Single Point Bungee Sling A-TACS FG
Product Information
Product code: W-EO-SPBS-ATFG Category: Single Point Bungee Sling (SPBS)Warriors Single Point Bungee sling (SPBS) is complete with H & K hook and is ideal for transitions from left to right and weapon strikes. It is made from 2 Inch 17337 webbing with an incredible breaking strength of 2200 Lbs. All stress areas are Doubled Bar tacked with Thread. The SPBS is fully adjustable for length with 2 x 16 mm elastic bungee cords covered in 1″ Inch U.S. 5625 tubular webbing with a breaking strength of 4000Lbs.
The sling is attached to the weapon hook by way of a ITW Nexus 1″ inch Clip the clip allows the weapon to be removed from the sling without having to take it off the operator. The SPBS comes with a H & K Hook made from high quality Black Stainless Steel with an Oxide Finish.
* The pictures may not reflect product enhancement’s and developments that have occurred since the photograph was taken